Earth Observation Services for Community Development
Abandze, a coastal fishing community in Ghana, celebrated its festival last week with the apotheosis on the 5th and 6th of November 2022. The purpose of the yearly festival is to cleanse, thank and mobilize resources for developmental projects within the community. A team of fishers ready for the regatta, Abandze Being made of strong fishing community groups (canoe and gear owners, women investors, fishermen, fishmongers, and their dependencies), the people of Abandze called upon the GMES and Africa project to support and address the celebrants during a durbar and also the regatta (canoe race) that marked and end the festival. The gatherings served as mediums to promote the safety at sea campaign. A section of the gathering during the durbar, Abandze The MarCNoWA consortium of the GMES and Africa Project supported the organization of the durbar, the mobilization of funds for community development, and the canoe race with visibility materials such as branded shirts, flyers, poster...